Is filling out brackets too much of burden? Never fear! The randomizer will automatically fill in your brackets for you. No need for hours of study, just point and click. You can choose how daring you want to be. If you are boring, the best seed will always win. If you are insane, every match will be 50/50. And of course there are options in between where the difference in the seeds matters.
To use simply move the slider to the level of randomness you are comfortable with. Clicking the slider will run again with the same settings, but since it's random the outcome will vary. When you are happy, just print (or print to pdf) the results and revel in your perfectly chosen bracket.
If you want a team to win, simply click on the team for the game they should win. They will win that game and the other matches that are affected by the change will also run again.
There is no actual attempt to be accurate. I just chose a formula that gave "reasonable" results. If there is enough interest, maybe next year it will be a bit more scientific.
Can't find the randomizer? Click "The Randomizer" menu to the left, or simply click here
The brackets page started from this and so a big thanks to Jason Melgoza.